Top Drohnen mit Kamera & Hilfe bei der Kaufentscheidung & ** NEWS **
With built-in positioning system, the drone can auto locate the remote control, just press the one key return button, the drone will fly back to the remote control's location.;The simple flying of WSAD is to boring, and the new 3D rolling special effects surprise all the people.;The drone will change its flight direction with the change of the direction of remote control.;When starting the function of one key returning withou other operations, the drone will automatically come back to you.;The outside of four-axis stabilizer blade is installed with four colorful LED lights which can indicate the direction when flying in night sky.
€ 23,90 *
inkl. MwSt.
* Preis wurde zuletzt am 27. November 2016 um 19:28 Uhr aktualisiert.
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